I know a senior leader who believes that people are motivated by just 3 things – Fear, Greed and Sex. I don’t know if he holds any religious views but his beliefs about motivation shape his behaviour as strongly as any spiritual ones could. Maybe more so. Something in his…
149. Why Connect?
There are lots of things we do without personally interacting with other humans. Digital technology allows us to be less connected. Not just human interaction but physical connection with things we use or rely on. Where does your drinking water come from? Who fixes your plumbing? How was your phone…
145. Why get organized?
Discipline is boring. That’s exactly why it’s useful. If you only want stimulation and excitement, you won’t get much done. We all have to do boring and repetitive things to stay alive and to prosper. In the end we do the interesting things better because we spend time on the…
139. Why follow Rules?
Our brains are lazy. They look for any shortcut to answer a problem in the shortest possible time. That’s why seeing patterns in the world is so useful. We predict outcomes based on what we see, so we don’t have to think it through. We stereotype people, or brands, or…
135. Why be Honest with yourself?
Great leaders are honest with themselves. Whether they are truthful to others or not, they don’t allow themselves to be fooled by their own perceptions and allusions. I’m not sure if such honesty can be taught, but it certainly can be practiced. Honesty starts with yourself, as a habit you…
129. Why be Humble?
I heard a leadership coach talking about being an effective CEO last week. She talked passionately about creating a personal brand – defining and promoting what you stand for as an individual. Leadership, for her, was mostly defined by the perception you create in others’ minds. There’s nothing wrong with…
125. What are you decisive about?
Great leaders are decisive. Not in the way that you might think. Being decisive isn’t just about making fast decisions. It’s about being purposeful. When you’re clear what’s important and what’s not, deciding what to do in the moment is easy. Once you’ve set your mission, you need to make…
119. Why be curious?
All great leaders are creative. I’m not sure if creativity can be taught, but it certainly can be practiced. Creativity isn’t just about inventing something new and unique, its about combining existing knowledge in new and creative ways. At it’s heart it’s about being curious. You can’t expect to be…
109. Why Why?
The most visionary and inspirational people I know have one thing in common. It’s not high position or material wealth… They all know their Mission. The world can be divided between survivors and dreamers. Survivors aren’t materially poor, they’re trapped in today and tomorrow. Dreamers don’t have their head in…
105. What do you Believe?
Belief is an integral part of being human, to accept some ideas as true. What we believe makes us what we are. There are upsides and downsides to belief however. The downsides have nothing to do with the spiritual or religious or political or social beliefs that you have. They…