Great organizations don’t pretend to be innovative, or delegate it to specialists. Great organizations don’t put their Communications teams in charge of “Continuous Improvement” or create separate departments. In Great Organizations, every team drives improvement, and every team member in those teams has a part to play in improvement. Some…
120. Where is Best?
You’re at work, and you want to be curious and creative. What could possibly go wrong? One thing that often goes wrong is called the Best Practice trap. The plausible yet dangerous assertion that performance will improve if you just find “Best Practice” and copy it. That conformity can replace…
119. Why be curious?
All great leaders are creative. I’m not sure if creativity can be taught, but it certainly can be practiced. Creativity isn’t just about inventing something new and unique, its about combining existing knowledge in new and creative ways. At it’s heart it’s about being curious. You can’t expect to be…
118. Are you pain tolerant?
Change is a popular topic in the leadership industry. Everybody want to be a change maker. Or at least they want to get credit for successful change… If change is so popular, why aren’t more leaders good at it? Many fail at leading change, not because they make mistakes, but…
117. How do you treat Mistakes?
Great teams make mistakes. Lots of them. What makes teams great isn’t their mistakes but how they treat them. Great teams don’t punish mistakes, or hide mistakes, they use them. Not because they like making mistakes but because they don’t. Teams who punish mistakes make a really basic error. Their…
116. What puts you to sleep?
Great leaders get bored. Any job can get boring and repetitive. Even very senior roles, or in large organizations where there’s a lag between thought, action and results, and lots of organizational process. There’s a thing that good business owners or senior leaders do that is open to you at…
115. Why get off the couch?
Great leaders are all risk takers. Me? I like a good couch. So does my dog. We especially like it when it’s raining or cold outside. We prefer the comfort of staying inside together rather than risk getting uncomfortable. Why is it that inside seems more comfortable when outside is…
114. Is Stress a Problem?
Stress is a big deal. Every leader experiences it & likely their teams also. It’s a universal human experience, it’s also an important issue for you as a leader. For yourself personally as well as your team. Stress and leadership are linked, but not just in the obvious way. You…
113. Are you on the path to Wisdom?
Great leaders are blessed with Wisdom – that magical combination of knowledge and experience that not only enables them to make the right decisions but also gives others the confidence that they should follow. Wisdom is not a blessing, it’s earned. It maybe mysterious but it’s not magic. Wise leaders…
112. Are you Surviving, or on a Mission?
Life is a series of struggles. That’s just how it is. How much better is it when those struggles have a purpose? Good Leadership training teaches the importance of setting your north star. Your compass bearing. Your mission… Good leaders know more – they recognize that choosing their mission is…