Life is a stream of decisions. Some big, most small. Some slow, most fast. Our ability to judge whether something is good or bad, safe or dangerous, is vital to our survival. As an individual you can rely on instinct and react as quickly or slowly as you like. It…
140. What makes sense?
Some things just don’t go to plan, do they? Especially when you’re tracking progress honestly and not shifting the goal posts. Barriers and walls and delays come up – some external and outside your control, often inside the organization. Maybe some self-imposed. This is normal for effective teams, no pain…
139. Why follow Rules?
Our brains are lazy. They look for any shortcut to answer a problem in the shortest possible time. That’s why seeing patterns in the world is so useful. We predict outcomes based on what we see, so we don’t have to think it through. We stereotype people, or brands, or…
138. Can you face the Truth?
Great leaders are not just willing to speak the truth, they’re willing to accept it. Comfortable or uncomfortable. Truth can be a motherhood statement. Of course we all want it, don’t we ? After all, we’re honest, aren’t we? There’s a reason that insecure leaders avoid uncomfortable truth – if…
137. How do you know where you are?
Teams are capable of achieving great things. They are also capable of getting horribly lost. As individuals we all have blind-spots, but when a whole team has the same blind spot they are likely heading for danger. Teams who adhere to a view, or an objective, and ignore anything that…
136. Where is the truth?
Finding out what’s true is tricky, it takes effort. Our brains have a neat way of avoiding that effort. We just decide what’s true in advance. We store those “truths” away and grab them quickly when we need a quick answer. We take shortcuts, make assumptions, apply labels, follow brands.…
135. Why be Honest with yourself?
Great leaders are honest with themselves. Whether they are truthful to others or not, they don’t allow themselves to be fooled by their own perceptions and allusions. I’m not sure if such honesty can be taught, but it certainly can be practiced. Honesty starts with yourself, as a habit you…
134. Is money a problem?
Most people sacrifice lifestyle to earn money, it seems to be hardwired in our DNA. The battle between earning and enjoying is an experience most of us share. Work-life balance is certainly a big topic in the lifestyle industry. What isn’t as widely understood is the impact of that choice…
133. Are you Unselfish?
You can surely name some great visionary leaders – maybe world famous or even better if it’s someone you’ve worked with. They’ve all had to get rid of one thing to be inspirational. Something you might not have thrown off yet. Selfishness. They may still have ego, or ambition, or…
132. Are you an Achiever?
Great leaders build legacies, not trophy cabinets. They’re motivated by the mountain, not the flag at the top. They care about what they do, not what medals they win. Most leaders spend a lifetime achieving lots of small things. Their teams do actually. Some do great things. Working to achieve…