This series about Felt Leadership is based on Charles Handy’s 4 Organizational Cultures – Person, Power, Task and Role. To make this more meaningful for individuals we picture a leader as a combination of 4 different “people” – Person, Ruler, Worker & Organizer… We call these 4 the “Leadership Team”.…
30. How do we Talk about Organizational Culture…?
Some of the discussion about Organizational Culture treats Organizations like a Goldfish bowl. First – Like fish in a goldfish bowl, our own leadership culture is usually more clearly seen from outside than from in. Fine, the same could be said about most human behaviors. The problem is that the…
29. About “Felt Leadership”…
“Leadership Style’ is the most written about topic in the Leadership Industry, also the most complex, so we at Balancedkaizen have taken some time to try to simplify our approach to this important topic. In our next series of posts we seek to examine some common “style” attributes, in the…
28. Making Values valuable
In the last 5 posts we have covered how the “top 5” corporate values can be actively used to assist leaders on their way to their teams achieving success. How those corporate values can be really valuable. Those Top 5 are Passion, Performance, Integrity, Teamwork and Respect. Whilst these (or…
27. Respect
The final post in our series on making Values work for you covers the 5th most popular, yet most mysterious Value – Respect. Respect is unique as a Value because almost everybody wants it but few want to give it, at least not freely… Respect and Humility are often confused…
26. Teamwork
“Teamwork” is the 4th and most written about of the Top 5 Corporate Values. It has earned its place because it’s a driver of success and also a feel good topic. Teamwork can, however, be misunderstood to be just a soft issue.. The one thing I know about sporting success…
25. Integrity
Integrity is the third most popular Corporate Value. Why? Perhaps Owners & Corporate Boards are concerned about fraud and honesty. Fair enough. It’d be a pity if that’s where it stopped. If honesty in external dealings, or obeying the law are the only focus then a really important point is…
24. Performance
Who doesn’t want to perform well? Who doesn’t want to succeed? Aren’t Performance or Success or Striving for better motherhood values? Their place as the 2nd most popular “Corporate Value” is interesting. Perhaps the need to focus on “Performance” betrays a frustration that not everyone in organizations are equally committed…
23. Passion
“Passion” (together with it’s many synonyms) is the most popular Corporate Value. “Entrepreneurship”, “drive” and “decisiveness” are vital success factors according to the leadership industry.. Vital but not sufficient. Energy has to be directed to be useful. If your organization has Passion or similar as a value your opportunity and…
22. Do Your Best
Values matter. They have helped provide purpose and unity to human societies as long as societies have existed. No surprise therefore that corporations and organizations of all types have adopted “Value statements” of various kinds, with varying effectiveness. Long before values became popular in business, others like religious organizations, schools…