What you “know” sits inside your head, right? Your own beliefs and decisions are based on rational thoughts and logic. You “worked it out”.. unlike others with a different view who just made it up or aren’t so smart. Right? Wrong. At BalancedKaizen we believe that what we know is…
31. Who are You…?
This series about Felt Leadership is based on Charles Handy’s 4 Organizational Cultures – Person, Power, Task and Role. To make this more meaningful for individuals we picture a leader as a combination of 4 different “people” – Person, Ruler, Worker & Organizer… We call these 4 the “Leadership Team”.…
27. Respect
The final post in our series on making Values work for you covers the 5th most popular, yet most mysterious Value – Respect. Respect is unique as a Value because almost everybody wants it but few want to give it, at least not freely… Respect and Humility are often confused…
17. How do you know what to do?
Strategy is important, but it’s often misunderstood and misused. Having a defined set of objectives & priorities linked to action plans will help you achieve those objectives , but only if it helps you and your people stay aligned, and if it encourages them to grow Knowledge, not just follow.…
11. The Boy who cried Wolf
An important management lesson was written over 2600 years ago. It’s a story about a shepherd boy who gives fake warnings about a wolf attacking his sheep to get attention from the villagers. Unfortunately his fake reports prove fatal later when an actual wolf attacks him and the villagers don’t…
5. The Most Important Decision…
You’re driving down a crowded road at high speed. It’s dark, it’s wet, you don’t know the area and you’re looking for a hotel to stay for the night. Up ahead there’s a busy T-intersection and you have to make a choice: turn left or turn right. Straight ahead is…