What gets attention gets done. What we like, think about, follow, are motivated by. These all help define us, and our lives. They especially help define leaders, and what they’re good at. And what their teams pay attention to. So too, however, does what we’re not interested in. Not just…
65. Where do you stand?
Sporting analogies are used a lot in the Leadership Industry. Teams, coaches, winners, losers, tenacity, grit, inspiration… Most people who follow a team sport can name a great Coach who has led teams to success. There’s one aspect of the “Coach as a Leader” story that’s critical but often missed,…
58. Q5: How long do we need?
Routines run the world. What we do every day, every week is what determines our fate, not what we wish we’d do. It’s nice to wish that a problem could be solved quickly but what do we do with those that can’t? Any leader can ask “when will you finish?”,…
53. Meeting with Friends.
There’s something very comforting about walking a familiar path, or the company of old friends. Did you ever consider why? It’s because our brains aren’t stressed. We’re not learning new basic information. We know so much already and we can focus just on what’s important. This is important for leaders…
46. Why are you Chasing it ?
Creative people must be open to new ideas. Chasing a new objective can be exciting for the leader but also damaging or even harmful for their team… A leader’s job is to keep the team on track, by discerning what to chase and what to ignore. Often by not chasing…
40. Are you Helping?
There’s a lot to be said for Active Leadership. In fact, an awful lot is said, with constant emphasis on action, energy, boldness & courage, especially in western business culture, where these attributes are highly valued in business and rewarded by recruiters and senior managers alike. Good leaders in any…
34. Where do you sit…?
Bureaucracy gets a bad wrap. …but we couldn’t operate without it. In our Leadership team the final and key member is the Organizer. Think of this person as the connector, rather than the doer, and you’ll start to see how they can help your team not hinder them. As organizations…
26. Teamwork
“Teamwork” is the 4th and most written about of the Top 5 Corporate Values. It has earned its place because it’s a driver of success and also a feel good topic. Teamwork can, however, be misunderstood to be just a soft issue.. The one thing I know about sporting success…
21. Are we there yet?
The greatest enemies of real change are impatience and her cousin distraction. Unfortunately these two both look and sound similar so are often mixed up. Impatience is really important to overcome barriers and break down stubborn resistance, it brings dissatisfaction with status quo, plus the drive to make change as…
15. Staying on Course..
Finally we get to the Hare and the Tortoise. Aesop’s fable about the slow old Tortoise who wins a race against the speedy but arrogant Hare. The moral is that “the race is not always to the swift..” – which is complete rubbish of course, because slowness doesn’t win races.…