Balanced Kaizen. Creating Change without Destroying People

62. What have you done?

62. What have you done?

Every leader must carry it.

The need to Achieve.

Not success, though everyone enjoys success.

The need to get things done.

Achievement isn’t just about targets or deadlines, though these can mark the spot where achievement is gained.

Achievement is that inner drive to gets you to the target, the satisfaction of ticking the box.

This drive to achieve is what keeps leaders going through the setback, failure & heartache that always comes.

A leader who doesn’t need achievement slows then stops. Or starts making excuses rather than making new plans.

So does their team.

Achievement isn’t just success.

Achievement is seen in Actions taken and Culture created.

Way before success or failure hit.

Convincing others that everything is ok isn’t Achievement.

Strength of personality isn’t Achievement.

Selling your plan isn’t Achievement.

Don’t fool yourself.

You almost certainly won’t fool your team.

Stay focused on Actions and Culture that lead to results.

A team who’s leader has clear objectives and priorities will gain vision.


They’ll see real Action, they’ll feel real Culture.

When those Actions and that Culture match the words of the leader they’ll see it.

“Achievement is seen in Actions taken and Culture created…”

Your people will get the Vision when it’s real, not imagined.

They’ll feel it.

They won’t get it by being talked at.

Your people need real Achievement too.