Balanced Kaizen. Creating Change without Destroying People

59. Important Work Ahead..

59. Important Work Ahead..

Life is complicated.

How we perceive the world is barely understood by scientists.

That we perceive anything is some kind of miracle.

DNA + upbringing and conditioning help us sort masses of inputs into a picture of the world around us.

Our brains take that and tell us what to do.


Just look around you. No other creatures other than humans come close to what we can do. To what we can achieve.

Good and bad.

Now multiply that complexity into your team. Into the organization you’re in now. Into the world.

Groups of humans all perceiving life around them. All bringing personal and family experience with them to their work.

Good and bad.

Now imagine how those groups achieve what they do. Every day. Over time.

Good and bad.

It’s a bloody miracle.

As a leader you have a special responsibility and opportunity to help shape that miracle.

Leadership is a complicated interaction between individuals, aiming to achieve difficult objectives.

Whatever you do, however you lead, you have an important place in the world.

Not by accident.

If you just realize the importance of what you do as a leader, you have opened a new chapter in your life.

Whether you lead 2 people or 200 or 200 million.

Sometimes you can stress about mistakes, or that you don’t have all the answers.

Sometimes you can take pride that you solved problems or got your targets.

Always remember that leadership is important and keep trying to improve.

Remember that every human that has ever lived has been in a group that has had a leader.

Families, tribes, communities, nations, companies.


So every human that has ever lived experienced Leadership.

And has been shaped by it.

Good and bad.

“Always remember that leadership is important and keep trying to improve”

What you do as a leader doesn’t just help build civilization.

It impacts the lives of those in your team.

And those in their lives.

Thinking about Leadership is important.

Your leadership.

Watching and judging others is useful, but watching and judging yourself is important.

Important work ahead…