Balanced Kaizen. Creating Change without Destroying People

113. Are you on the path to Wisdom?

113. Are you on the path to Wisdom?

The path to wisdom..

Great leaders are blessed with Wisdom – that magical combination of knowledge and experience that not only enables them to make the right decisions but also gives others the confidence that they should follow.

Wisdom is not a blessing, it’s earned. It maybe mysterious but it’s not magic.

Wise leaders gain wisdom through choices they make throughout their life.

They open their mind, and they choose their mission.

In the game between Fear and Knowledge they seek Knowledge.

In the game between survival and Mission, they choose Mission.

You can do the same.

If you don’t, you will end up in a different place.

In the last 8 posts we have talked about seeking Knowledge and choosing Mission – throughout your life, not just as a leader. Now we bring them together.

When you seek Knowledge and choose your Mission, both begin to work together. Maybe that is magic..

You are now on a path. Without knowing it you have started a journey.

Seeking knowledge – opening your mind by admitting that you don’t know things – is like opening a gate to a world you haven’t been to.

Choosing fear, on the other hand, is like closing that gate – it keeps you out of things you don’t know.

Choosing a mission is setting your sights on that hill in the distance. Not just somewhere you haven’t been but somewhere you’re not at now.

‘Somewhere you’re not at now” is a critical point.

You see, those who use Fear as a motivator and only seek short term survival, they also set Missions.

The difference is that those missions are usually to the place that you’re already at.

This side of the gate. No progress, no change, just more of the same.

The opposite of wisdom isn’t lack of knowledge it’s insecurity.

Fear and survival keeps you from passing through the gate to somewhere new.

If you want to get smart don’t stay safe. If you want to feel safe you won’t get smart.

More on this topic in our next series.

“.. wise leaders gain wisdom through choices they make…. they open their mind and choose their mission…”

As you set off on your path you’ll make mistakes – and you’ll know they’re mistakes because they stop you getting to the hill, your Mission.

You’ll make adjustments that get you back on track because you know where the track should lead.

By the time you get to the top you won’t just know more, you’lll know more about climbing that hill.

That’s wisdom.

How confident are you in your own knowledge? Wise people are never over-confident.

That confidence closes the gate.

Have you chosen a mission that’s somewhere you haven’t been yet?

Will getting there teach you new things about getting there?

Are you on the path to Wisdom?



I might be wrong, but at least I’ve thought about it…”