David* was one of the most skilled tradesmen I’ve ever known. A lovely person deeply respected and involved in his local community. Also a perfectionist. One day at work I started to talk about maintenance costs and he stopped me. “Not my job to worry about cost” he said, “that’s…
Week 2. What do you Believe?
I know a senior leader who believes that people are motivated by just 3 things – Fear, Greed and Sex. I don’t know if he holds any religious views but his beliefs about motivation shape his behaviour as strongly as any spiritual ones could. Maybe more so. Something in his…
Week 1. What’s your New Year Resolution?
A sports club I know hires extra gym equipment before every new year to cope with the rush of new year’s “get fit” resolutions. That same equipment is de-hired just 2 weeks later when most of those new fitness routines stop. Taking the fresh start of a New Year to…
154. Are People a Problem?
A friend once told me how happy he was after changing jobs to a very technical design role. “the best thing” he said, “is I don’t have to deal with people any more…” The trouble with people is that they’re all different. And often difficult. The trouble with leadership is…
153. What are you Practicing?
Successful people don’t have 7 habits. More like 70. Or 700. The reason they’re successful is they have more good habits than bad. Just as great athletes or musicians train for muscle memory, so too great leaders train for behaviour memory. Almost all behaviour is habit based. Especially when stress…
152. Where do you meet?
I’ve worked with leaders who spent very little of their time with their own people in their workplace. Physical interaction wasn’t part of their job. They weren’t unfriendly, just distant. And isolated. And weaker as a result. They never knew what they were missing. Most failed as leaders. I’ve also…
151. How are we Connected?
Great football teams don’t play great basketball. They’re great at football because they focus on football. They live for football, think and talk about football, play football. Football is the cement that binds the team together. They might play basketball, but it’s not the game that they’re connected to. It’s…
150. Who don’t you like?
We all have blind spots. The trouble with blind spots is you don’t know you have them. You don’t know what you don’t know. There’s a clue you can use however. A hack that strong leaders make a habit. The trick is simply to be aware of what, and who…
149. Why Connect?
There are lots of things we do without personally interacting with other humans. Digital technology allows us to be less connected. Not just human interaction but physical connection with things we use or rely on. Where does your drinking water come from? Who fixes your plumbing? How was your phone…
148. Are you in a Routine?
Delaying immediate gratification is what differentiates adults from children. It also separates strong leaders from weak. Routines and repetition are vital for effective leadership. All the goal setting, action, communication, measuring and sweat in the world count for nothing if not repeated. You don’t teach your subconscious mind anything by…